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We are thrilled to welcome Kayla Holmes as our new Emergency Preparedness Coordinator! Kayla brings strong leadership, crisis management skills, and excellent problem-solving abilities to our team. Reporting to Matthew Hidalgo, Director of Public Safety, she will work closely with local and federal agencies, including law enforcement, fire departments, and emergency response teams. She will also coordinate and train volunteers to assist during emergencies and conduct risk assessments to enhance community preparedness. Please join us in giving Kayla a warm welcome as she begins this vital role in ensuring the safety and well-being of our community.
On Monday, February 24, the General Manager, Theresa Ostrander, Public Safety Director, Matt Hidalgo, and EPC representative Diane Finley worked in tandem with the Emergency Preparedness Transition Committee (EPTC) to hold an open forum for all 400 EPC volunteers.
This hour-and-half event gave leadership an opportunity to share the latest updates—new EPC Charter, announcement of the new Emergency Preparedness Coordinator starting March 3 and reporting to Public Safety, as well as the many community outreach efforts that have become invaluable to the formation of The Villages future EPC Program. The message to volunteers—and the entire Villages community—that EPC continues to function exactly as it has until this new integrated program is established was amplified once again. Should an emergency take place, our EPC volunteers are ready for action.
The transition from an all-Villages volunteer program to now led by the General Manager offers a stronger bridge between the volunteer community and Villages management, giving rise to a cohesive plan that can incorporate more training, local emergency agency involvement, and professional resources. EPTC is on track to present its recommendations to the Club Board on March 25 at the Board’s regularly scheduled monthly meeting.
Get Involved!
The Villages continues to welcome volunteers. Please stop by Building B to inquire and fill out our intake form.
All-Villages EPC Volunteer Forum - Monday, March 24 from 9:00-10:30 the Clubhouse.
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